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Cryogenic Grinding Technology

What gives our spices their unique taste, flavour, colour and rich aroma? Spices contain natural essential oils, which when released, give them their distinct flavour, aroma and scent. When spices are grounded, often the enormous heat generated in this process causes their Important essential oils to evaporate, leaving the powder blend.

Cryogenic grinding reduces the material to particle sizes, which is difficult to attain with ambient temperature grinding in conventional grinding plants. The dry, cold, inert atmosphere, usually generated by a Liquid nitrogen vapor blanket or circulation in the grinder chamber, minimizes thermal reaction with the material and reduces the loss of volatile components from spices.

Cryogenic grinding, where spices are cooled to -1 to -190°C, using liquid nitrogen gas before they are ground, ensures that the essential oils and nutrients in them, remain intact. This process helps spice powder to grind and create a finer texture, along retaining the essential oils, nutrients,colour, aroma and flavour.

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Cryo-grinding technology is new to India, which necessitates import of technology from developed countries like Japan and Germany. Cryogenic grinding reduces the material to particle sizes, which is difficult to attain with ambient temperature grinding in conventional grinding plants. The dry, cold, inert atmosphere, usually generated by a Liquid nitrogen vapor blanket or circulation in the grinder chamber, minimizes thermal reaction with the material and reduces the loss of volatile components from spices during processing.


The advantages offered by Spices Cryo-grinding technology as against conventional spices.
Grinding Technology are as under:

1) Cryogenic grinding improves the aroma by minimizing the loss of essential oils (approx.3-10% loss) which is approx. 15-43% in conventional processing. This is important for Cumin processing. Spices are ground to a thickness of 50 microns, as compared to a size. Range of 500 – 1000 using conventional grinding processes.

2) Spices processed using Cryo-grinding has better natural colour, as compared toconventional process, this is very much important for Chilly and Turmeric.

3) Finer particle size can be achieved without aroma loss and natural colour change.

4) Overall grinding capacity can be increased by 2 to 3 times, as process equipment’swill not have thermal fatigue due to heating up. Fire risks too, are eliminated as temperatureduring processing is controlled.

5) This method of grinding enhances unlocking of natural flavours, aid easy dispersion of the same and control the flavour Strength.